Concentrări economice

Decision no. 2494/2017 of 19 September 2017

This case concerns violation of the provisions of Art. 13 paragraph (1) and (2) of the Law no. 21/1996 by putting into effect an economic concentration operation achieved by acquiring the sole direct control over an undertaking and indirectly over the undertakings controlled by it, before the notification and before the operation is declared compatible with the normal competition environment by the Competition Council. Thus, the court dismissed the complainant's action, maintaining the decision of the Competition Council to sanction. According to the provisions of Art. 13 paragraph (6) of the Competition Law "it is prohibited to put into effect...

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Decision no. 607/2015 of 13 Feb. 2015

This case is about an economic concentration operation in which the D.F.S.E.H.G. undertaking was fined by the Competition Council because it had not previously notified the competition authority, although it had this legal duty. The Court of Appeal partly upheld the application of the undertaking to cancel the Competition Authority's decision, but the High Court approved the Competition Council’s appeal. According to the provisions of Art. 51 paragraph (1) letter b) of the Competition Law, an undertaking shall be sanctioned by a fine of 0.5% to 10% of the total turnover realized in the financial year preceding the sanctioning of...

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