- “Croatian Constitutional Court’s decisions on State aid and abuse of dominant position.”
- Speaker: Senka Orlić-Zaninović – Judge, High Administrative Court of Croatia
Head of the Department of Commercial and Corporate Law in the Ministry of Justice. She was part of the following working groups: Trainer in EU Twinning Project HR “Improving the Quality of Professional Training in the Judicial System through Improving Education on EU Law and Online Learning” (2017), Member of the Subworking group for Administrative law under European Judicial Training Network (EJTN) as the member of the SWG under EJTN -responsible for drafting programs for the workshops in area of Administrative law (2016-present). Membership of various working groups (of the Ministry of Justice, Negotiating teams, Parliament of the Republic of Croatia) for drafting of laws and regulations (2008-2016). For negotiations with the EU, she was a member of the working group for negotiations Chapter 3, “Freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services” and a member of the working group for negotiations Chapter 6 “Company Law”. An associate member of the working group for Chapter 20 negotiations “Enterprise and industrial policy”. She produced a wide array of draft laws and her Present position is Judge of the High Administrative court of the Republic of Croatia.